nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #791


Paolo arrived 10 minutes early at Langan’s. He’d known Sofia would be dressed to the nines, so he’d taken a bit of trouble to smarten himself up. He looked awkward; it wasn’t his kind of scene. He stood in the restaurant foyer and when Sofia didn’t arrive on the dot of 8pm a look which was a combination of irritation and anxiety came over his face.

Sofia, of course, arrived late, ten minutes late. After all, she couldn’t seem too keen by arriving on time. Maybe Paolo should have waited outside, to watch as she sashayed spectacularly along Stratton Street.

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 5 years ago

    Sashayed. I love it. You don't hear that word much anymore and women certainly don't do it much anymore either.

    Is Langan's a real restaurant?

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    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    Thanks Christopher. Yes, Langan’s Brasserie is real, in Albemarle Street, Mayfair (London). It’s part owned by Michael Caine and it’s excellent. I was fortunate enough for it to be very close to an ad agency I worked at for years. Not quite the works canteen, but close! (I even managed to sneak Mrs H there once or twice.) There is a New York branch now I believe.

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