nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #789


Paolo’s response was hardly enthusiastic. “Er, er, I was thinking of a takeaway maybe, but...”

“Well you don’t want me that much then, do you Paolo?”

“I do, I do, it’s just...” Paolo had stuff on his mind which wasn’t 100% romantic. “But OK....”

“Go on... I’ll pay, you bloody skinflint!” interjected Sofia, aware that in a way, Paolo had already paid, handsomely... and she didn’t really mind, she wanted to see him anyway. “I’ll see if they have a table at such short notice... and if I’m lucky, then you might get lucky too! If not, take some bromide!”

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 5 years ago


    (Btw, did you miss a quotation mark in that last paragraph? Right before...I'll see if they have a table? Maybe I'm reading it wrong but it seemed a little confusing.)

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    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    Thanks Christopher, you’re absolutely right re quotation mark. I’ve fixed it now.

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