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Fedeltà #788


Sofia’s soft spot for Paolo was still there. ‘Wow,’ she thought, ‘he wants me. Maybe, just maybe...’ But such thoughts weren’t going to prompt Sofia to go running over to Paolo’s place. He was going to have to earn whatever he was really after, even if it was just her.

“Tell you what Paolo, why don’t you take me out to dinner because that’s what I want in return! I’m free tomorrow or if you’re really desperate, I could cancel the gym and make it tonight. Gives me an excuse to dress up. How about Langan’s, that would be nice?”

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    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    Without wanting to brag, but doing so anyway, my favourite hors d’oeuvres at Langan’s was ‘Soufflé aux epinards, sauce anchois’. Being a boring kind of person I had it every time. The taste was excellent, but as the waiter sliced the top of the spinach soufflé and poured in the anchovy sauce it was a fabulous piece of theatre. Can’t afford it now I have to pay for myself!😭

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