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Fedeltà #784


Livia’s lunch with Marcia didn’t get much further than considering everyone in Tony’s organisation who could conceivably take on the top job if Tony somehow became ‘indisposed’. They didn’t discuss how Tony might become indisposed.... or disposed of... at this stage.

To bring the discussion to an end Livia made a suggestion.

“Why not a job-share then... and we can name ourselves Monelli Widows. Many organisations have twin bosses, so why not twins’ widow bosses? We’ll divvy up the role according to what sort of things we like best or are best at.”

“I’ll drink to that!” agreed Marcia.

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    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    Haha! Well maybe I can engineer them a conservatory project, although conservation probably isn’t their thing... more like devastation!

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