nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #771


Livia wasn’t at all bothered who Marcia was at it with, but the opportunity to talk about Tony had been presented to her.

“Tony’s completely cut himself off then it seems?” Livia probed. “The odd occasions I’ve spoken to him about Terry, he’s been really weird. Like he’s closed off. Is the business suffering do you think?”

“Not sure... I bloody hope not, although what grip he’s got on it I can’t tell. I assume it’s OK, but he’s still got stacks in the bank to fall back on.... well I think he has! You’ve got me worried now Livia!”

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 5 years ago

    It's really a mystery trying to figure out who actually put that bomb at the funeral. But I guess that's the point! Do you know yet or are you winging it?

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    Neville Hunt almost 5 years ago

    Winging it Christopher. That’s part of the reason for these little delays in output 🤨

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