nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #746


Donal, a dapper little man in his mid forties, appropriately dressed in a dark suit, came out to greet them as Mary pulled up. It was as if he had calculated with precision her journey time. Precision... good for a funeral director, and some might say against stereotype for an Irishman.

In an instant it was obvious who was in charge. Donal was most deferential towards Mary and ushered his guests into his office.

“Dis is Paul. He’s doing the legwork for the Monellis.” Paolo didn’t like being positioned like that, but said nothing.

Donal acknowledged him with a nod.

3 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    Hopefully it will not disappoint... although I’m writing it hand to mouth right now without a strategy other than that at some point it has to join up with how it started way back in January 2018!

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    Christopher about 5 years ago

    Loving it. BTW, in the first paragraph you said "our journey time," in the first person. I'm assuming that was an error?

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    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    Thanks Christopher. A mistake, possibly autocorrect asserting itself... but also me not checking. Will fix now!

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