nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #740


Paolo realised that 'helping Livia' with the funeral meant that he'd be doing all the legwork. But hey, she was worth it, wasn't she? At least she must trust him.

Trust wasn't something Livia was overstocked with. Paolo was just a part of her plans.

"Mary, after all that stuff about the diamond, I trust Paolo will be in safe hands to go and meet your brother with you?"

"Oi'll neither say another word or tink another tought about it. Paul here knows what he's got to do!"

Paolo knew exactly what he'd got to do... keep Sofia well away!

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher about 5 years ago

    I think Paolo's in more woman trouble than Jake is!

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    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    I think you’re right. The silly boy... he’s an infant playing in the senior league!

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