nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #673


“I can’t imagine why, Tony”

“Well that’s why you’re gonna find out, ain’t it?” Tony’s tone was instantly more steely, goading challenge from Paolo, who eyed the gun still lying on the desk in front of his boss. He replied.

“I’ll do my best...”

“You’ll do more than your fucking best... you’ll find out! Report back in 48 hours. You’re pretty good with a deadline aren’t you boy?” Tony’s earlier conciliatory lapse was gone. He seemed to have flipped back.

“Yep, yep... I’ll find out.” Paolo wasn’t about to negotiate with this increasingly mad man. But he’d get Tony, eventually.

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher about 5 years ago

    Paolo's pretty sharp. When he was first introduced I didn't expect so much of the narrative to focus on him. Maybe Neville didn't either. But he's become the linchpin of this whole thing.

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    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    Indeed, Paolo’s leading role took me quite by surprise!

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