nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #668


When Paolo turned up for work, any romantic concerns regarding Livia went right out of the window as Tony brought him down to earth with a bang.

“A little bird’s told me Flaherty’s bitch of a wife has been asking questions in the wrong places!” the boss rasped. “What do you make of that, eh?”

It took Paolo a few seconds to comprehend what Tony was on about. Flaherty’s bitch, wife questions, wrong places? So he asked for clarification, which Tony wasn’t about to give.

“I don’t understand what you mean Tony.”

“Are you saying I’m fucking stupid?”

“No, no!”

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    I see Tony becoming a toned down version of Ben Kingsley’s lunatic villain in the wonderful Sexy Beast. Tony is getting a bit deranged.

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    Christopher about 5 years ago

    Getting? I think he was deranged before this story even began!

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