nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà - catch up 2 - #12


“I want you to make love to me!” Livia tells Paolo. She invites him round to her house and surprises him that she has it all organised.

In this scene, slices of pizza are juxtaposed with the utterly gorgeous Livia, wrapped in a black satin sheet, unravelling to the delight of her young beau. His dream has come true... and it shows. Paolo's feelings are intense... too intense for Livia, who hates clingy, needy men. But she needs Paolo, for now.

As he leaves after dream sex, Livia casually asks him to help with Terry’s funeral. He agrees, of course.

4 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    Right! That’s it... you’re all caught up. Now I have no excuse for delay. The show must go on. 🙂

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    Christopher about 5 years ago

    Well worth the effort, as there were a few details that slipped my mind. Did you remember all that or did you have to go back and skim over the story?

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    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    I had to go back through the story, make notes and then write as many drabbles as I needed, which turned out to be 12. That’s why it has taken a while after my earlier promises! The process was invaluable for me too, because it has got me back in the zone, thinking about where it will go now and building my waned confidence in my ability to finish it!

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    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    Thanks Drew! I love them too!

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