nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà - catch up 2 #7


Paolo winds up Tony about Livia maybe shagging a copper and informing on them. But in reality, Livia was far too smart for either of those to be happening. Tony was on edge and grumpy, but decides not to take it out on Paolo, whom he sends home early.

Paolo has Nicole’s large diamond. He decides to offer it to Sofia in trade for the remaining of Terry’s frozen fingers and the photos she has lodged with her solicitor.

Frosty Sofia happily agrees to the trade, cementing the deal with normal sexual relations being resumed.

Meanwhile, Livia becomes a hermit.

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    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    More to come... and then the Fedeltà story will continue... sorry it’s taken me so long. I guess my eye went off the balls!

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