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Fedeltà - catch up 2 #1


Livia’s on her way back from her cruise, but Paolo’s plans to meet her from the ship in Southampton are thwarted by Tony. He warns Paolo against getting any romantic ideas about Livia. One way Paolo deals with the situation is by getting pally with Sofia again... and Marcia too... a dangerous game!

However, Tony puts a spanner in the works by deciding that by getting Franco to bump off Shaun, whom he’d thought was Terry’s abductor and killer, he’d got the wrong man! Instead Tony was now suspicious of Franco.

Paolo has to tail Franco night and day. Shit!

6 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    I’m finally committing myself to get my arse in gear and start finishing Fedeltà. But first another few catch ups (which are good aide-memoirs for me too!)

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    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    Thanks Drew.... I’ll try to make it as brief as I can, consistent with not missing out anything significant, like Nicole, Flaherty, Mary, the bloody great diamond and Sofia... and Livia.

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    Christopher about 5 years ago

    Yes! It's back! The catch-up is a great idea. I remember most of it but it never hurts to make sure.

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    Jamie Clapperton about 5 years ago

    Tell you Neville, I used to get quite a kick out of reading summaries of classic doctor who episodes in 'Doctor Who Weekly' and have enjoyed these Fedelta catch up instalments in a similarly Charles and Mary Lamb do Shakespeare- tastic way . I have only one complaint. The Tonys' finger business has put me off (Veggie)Sausage sandwiches. ;-)))

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    Neville Hunt about 5 years ago

    Sorry about that Jamie. Fedeltà is not brilliant for vegetarians as there’s quite a bit of meat flying about, and in and out... and a fair bit of butchery too!

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    Jamie Clapperton about 5 years ago

    Nah it's fun ;-)) ;-))

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