nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà catch-up #5


With his share reduced to £200,000, Paolo is challenged by Sofia, who seduced him and is suspicious about his relationship with Livia. Sofia discovers that Paolo extorted £400,000 from her other lover, Tony, (Paolo’s scary boss) and demands to split it 50:50 with Paolo. Her leverage is that she’s discovered frozen fingers, Terry’s fingers, in Paolo’s freezer and she’s secretly taken photographs of them next to sleeping Paolo and lodged them with her solicitor... clever girl.

Paolo won’t implicate Livia and acquiesces to Sofia’s demands. He’s left with nothing but carnal hope for Livia’s return....

...which will be very soon...

6 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 6 years ago

    If I’ve left out something important for catch-up purposes, please let me know. Thanks.

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    Neville Hunt almost 6 years ago

    All it needs now is a few melodic arias, two fat sopranos, a contralto, a tenor and of course an evil baritone (as Tony) and it’s curtain-up... but it might be curtains for someone in the end...

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    Christopher almost 6 years ago

    Haha. I think you covered it all. It was like a recap of a mafia soap opera. All that was missing was a voice-over at the beginning saying "Previously on Fedelta..."

    Looking forward to reading the conclusion.

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    Neville Hunt almost 6 years ago

    Thanks Christopher and Drew. Very sorry for the delay. My time seems to have been hijacked all summer by family concerns and a dying 93 year old mother-in-law who seems to have biblical powers of returning from the brink of the hereafter to deal out venom here, there and everywhere. It's highly drabblable, but maybe in poor taste right now. One day maybe...

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    Peter Henderson almost 6 years ago

    The only catch is how does Sofia know the frozen fingers are Terry's. Are they labeled or does Sofia know intimately by word of mouth. Good story with lots of twists and turns. Many thanks Nevile.

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    Neville Hunt almost 6 years ago

    Thanks Peter. The full story is much more detailed though (427 drabbles so far). Sofia knows because she knew Terry had disappeared and that someone was extorting money from Tony (with whom she was also sleeping)... and she has turned up at Paolo’s apartment to seduce him and, having done so, she got up and had a root around his kitchen, fridge and freezer whilst Paolo was sleeping - utterly shagged out! She took a few incriminating photographs and confronted him with them when she next saw him.... but it’s all in the 427 (so far) drabbles, entitled Fedelta.

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