nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà catch-up #3


The unholy trio combine. To suffer, Tony will first lose his beloved brother Terry, then be killed himself. Livia, who herself has been beaten up very badly by Tony previously, will arrange things.

Arranging things involves Paolo, Tony’s trusty henchman, a ruthless, handsome late-twenties young man. The stunningly pretty Livia casts a sexual spell on Paolo, but delays his carnal prize until he has done her bidding. She has no interest in him, but can use him. Separately and individually, the other two women seduce Paolo, who gets rather a lot of sex along the way... except with Livia.

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 6 years ago

    Oh those deceitful broads!

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    Neville Hunt almost 6 years ago

    I think these dreadful women are the best characters and each one of them would make mincement of me! 😳

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