nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà catch-up #1


Identical twins Tony and Terry run an East End mafia-style operation in London. Tony rules, violently, but three women with enormous bollocks get to run rings around him and any other guys they choose. Tony expects total loyalty (fedelta), but is it what he gets?

We start at Terry’s funeral... a hell of a funeral. Someone has bumped him off, but what’s inside the coffin isn’t Terry, but high explosive destined to send Tony down to hell too. But Tony’s instinct delays that trip and he’s tripped off to hospital instead.

He must rely on his trusty henchman Paolo.

6 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 6 years ago

    Hi anyone following Fedelta. Sorry for the long delay. I thought that to rekindle your interest I would publish a few catch-up drabbles to help you catch up! Then I can get on with the plot.

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    Christopher almost 6 years ago

    That's good. I'd forgotten about the bomb in the casket.

  • avatar

    Christopher almost 6 years ago

    And glad you're back on this.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 6 years ago

    Thanks both. With a two-month lapse, it’s awfully easy to lose track.

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    Jamie Clapperton about 5 years ago

    Haha women with enormous Bollocks :-))

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    Frenchie over 4 years ago

    I have about 700 parts to catch up with. See you later!!! :-)

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