nevillehunt avatar


I drove my daughter to Pilates. It involved retracing the school run - a cross-country route to her school and then onwards to her brothers’. We’d had a game, a daily ‘spotting and shouting-out-first’ game. We played it for old times sake.

We both shouted “scout hut” as it appeared, preceded by “pole thing”. Soon there would be the “other pole thing” and the “other other pole thing” and if we were really lucky we could shout “train going over the bridge”.

But something was missing. “Where’s the five bar gate and the hay bales?”

Is nothing sacred?

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    Neville Hunt about 6 years ago

    Thanks Drew. The ‘pole things’ were radio masts with red lights on the top. They ran out of ideas after spotting the ‘other pole thing’ and it seemed natural to them to add another other. It was great fun, heightened one day when we watched a TV film about Prince Andrew on his ship leaving Plymouth harbour and getting excited when going under the Tamar railway bridge and declaring “train going over the bridge,” ( Mrs H never drove them the 8 miles... just as well because she wouldn't have played games like that... she’d have been ‘managing them’!) 😁

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    Neville Hunt almost 6 years ago

    Did the same trip yesterday. This time saw the hay bales, but they’d gone upmarket and built a dedicated barn for them, but hay!

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