nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #196


Paolo didn’t quite know what to say. He played for time as Sofia was now really close to him. Her perfume was intoxicating. Her sensuality, confused with the things she was saying, was scrambling his brain.

“Who says I’m close to Tony?” he asked. “I’m just one of the guys.”

“Never mind who said what Paolo,” Sofia said softly, “let’s say the other guys are talking...”

“About what?” demanded Paolo.

There was silence for what seemed like minutes but was actually a few seconds.

“Well?” asked Paolo.

Another shorter silence built up tension.... then...

“Paolo......... tell me.... are you gay?

3 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Sorry Drew if it offends. It’s not meant to be an ‘ist’ or ‘ism’ but merely the kind of tactic Sofia would use to get the response she wanted from Paolo... which of course she will.

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    It was an appropriate point to leave the story with baited breath. Terry was the nicest one in this story and he’s been bumped off!

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Thanks for the reassurance Drew. I don’t suffer the ‘phobias’ that my parents’ generation did. I always said I’m a ‘live and let liver’, but clearly from this story I’ve become a ‘live and let die-er’! ☠️

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