nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #188


Tony's list:
Marcia - if she would dare. She hates me after all
Tipo - A bit too cocky for his own good that man
Cattaneo - Doesn't get on too well with Terry

Paolo's list:
Tipo - needs taking down a peg or two. Thinks he's better than he is.
Franco - smarter than most of us think yet he gets some shitty jobs
Sofia - never used to like Marcia, but suddenly they're best buddies
Marcia - word is she ain't at all nice - sorry Boss.
Sofia AND Marcia - a frightening prospect

Tony and Paolo swapped notes. Tony was suddenly very suspicious of his women.

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Thanks Drew. I love thinking up the titles... almost more fun than the drabbling itself... almost😕

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    My first impression of Paolo was that he was weak and easily manipulated. I see now I was wrong about him. While he might still be swayed by a woman, I think he's his own man with his own vision.

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