nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #187


"One of us, it could be one of us? Like who?" said Tony.

"Well me, for instance, Tony." replied Paolo daringly. "I can write well. Who can you trust? They say the nearest aren't necessarily the dearest... or the loyalist!"

Paolo was cool and smart. He understood how Tony thought.

Tony spontaneously and uncharacteristically hugged Paolo.

"That's bollocks mate, utter bollocks! I trust you like a brother and don't you ever forget it!"

Paolo wouldn't forget it... he was relying on it!

"Let's think hard about them all, separately, and see if we get any matches." Tony had hooked himself.

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    I've just realised that I'm being influenced by a way. :-)

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