nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #146


Tony would pick up Terry at 09.30, saying that would leave plenty of time to get round London and be at the airport two hours ahead of departure time. Terry agreed, knowing he would be getting there well before that anyway, having made secret arrangements with Paolo. Terry thought Paolo seemed trustworthy, even though he would now need to keep him away from Livia.

At 9.10am, Tony got a text.

'Tony - I got worried about missing flight. Took a taxi. Sorry!'

Tony called Terry immediately... and again... and again.

"Pick - fucking - up!"

Terry's phone went dead. Terry was dead too.

4 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    At last... I'm off the fence and, hopefully sprinting again. To anyone reading this, sorry for any delay. The snow's gone now as has the fog in my brain.

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Thank you Drew. Your support is a great driving force.

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    Steve McBrevity over 6 years ago

    Yes you’ve definitely found another gear - I’m right behind you.

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Thanks Steve. My mojo was misplaced somewheres, but I think I got it back today.😃

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