nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #141


On the journey to Southampton for Livia to join the ferry, she told Terry she would meet him at the airport in Barbados. He was still a little edgy about Tony’s disapproval and yet was feeling pissed off that he had agreed to delay his holiday for a week. Livia didn’t make him feel worse, but gave him a warning.

“You know what will happen Terry,” she said. “Tony will insist on taking you to the airport and, you know what... the car will break down and you’ll miss your flight!”

Time would show that Livia had guessed uncannily correctly.

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    I'm back to reading the exploits of Tony and Terry now. I'll comment here and there but I have so many to get through I may hold most of my comments until I get caught up. I'm anxious to see what has developed!

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Quite a lot has happened. Thanks Christopher for taking the time to read them.

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