nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #138


With Livia’s encouraging words still ringing in his ears, Paolo chewed things over with her. She confirmed the others were weak and were continually manipulated by Tony in such a way that none of them fully trusted any one. This, she said, was how Tony had been able to keep control. He also ‘had something on’ each and every one of them, “probably you too Paolo” adding that with Tony gone, everyone would be happy.

“What about Marcia though?” Paolo asked.

“She hates Tony's guts... and as for her sister Sofia, she's really trying to screw him, by screwing him!”

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    I have a feeling before this is over the tables may turn on who is the "screwer" and who is the "screwee."

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    I think you may be right Christopher. I think I know where it’s going, but right now the decision-making regarding the exact route is testing me... and my satnav can’t help me this time.😕

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