nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #129


“I like you Paolo, I like you a lot.”

Paolo was taken aback by what Livia had said. He’d just called round to her house to collect her car to take it for a service. Not knowing what to say, he said nothing. This might be an awful trap.

“I think you like me too... I mean I think you like me a lot!”

“Who wouldn’t?” he managed. “But...”

“But there’s my husband!”

“One of the bosses.”

“That may not be the case for ever...”

“Which? Husband or boss?”

“Either, both, whatever!”

Suddenly, Livia kissed him, and Paolo kissed back.

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    Peter Henderson over 6 years ago

    Ooowww the hint of something devious we will forever hang on for.

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