nevillehunt avatar

FedeltĂ  #88


Sofia got a shock one day while she and Marcia were walking Giovanna.

"How are you getting on with Tony?" enquired Marcia casually.

"Oh, he's OK... why do you ask?" Sofia made it sound as casual as the question asked, but she sensed danger.

"I mean what's he like?"

This was getting very worrying.

"What's he like?"

"Oh come on Sofe. I know you're sleeping with him!" This was said without any hint of anger or rancour. "What's he like to shag?"

"Truly?" Sofia asked, still coming to terms with the question.

"Uhu!" Marcia nodded.

"Really, really crap!"

"...then why?..."

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Thanks Drew. Welcome back. Hope you’ve been on hols and not under the weather.

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