nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #55


Determined that he wouldn't have a fertility problem too, but privately concerned lest it be the case, Tony kept trying. He was starting not only to enjoy the trying process, but also his opinion softened dramatically towards Livia; entranced, he almost became obsessively attracted to her. Almost. He certainly looked forward to their surreptitious meetings. Exciting!

Given Marcia’s general hostility towards him, he felt totally justified in these off-limits pleasures, although he was also burdened with an extreme conflict of loyalties towards his brother. It was this that might make his patience brittle and bring things to a head.

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Thanks Drew. The loyalty thing is working out so well for this story (so it should because that’s the title). It seems to be taking me along with it and keeping it tight on the title. Argh! I’m being manipulated by the story... (Now there’s an idea for another...)

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