nevillehunt avatar


It was a weekend job while she was still at school. A way to fund some petrol or the odd drink on a Saturday night. My daughter worked at the back of Safeway making fresh takeaway pizzas. She would load the pizzas with all kinds of things she would never eat herself, but a job was a job.

All the casual weekend staff were young and everyone gave each other a nickname, some complimentary, others less so. Today, years later, she told us what name the guy stacking the chiller cabinet had given her. 'Fitdelibird'. She was happy with that!

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Fit = very attractive; deli = delicatessen counter; bird = young woman/girl. 'Fitdelibird' not very 'PC' these days maybe, but then not every woman was so worried about that.

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