nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #47


There was no time like the present for Livia. She was certain that getting over this initial hurdle would get the deed done. Tony would then have committed adultery with his brother’s wife, and would accordingly be well committed.

So Livia worked skilfully on Tony with the required result. Pulling him down onto the couch, she continued to do all the work, in a more mechanical way than she'd planned, until Tony emptied himself. At this point she made a point of keeping his 'gift' where he'd deposited it, using a tissue. And she made sure he got the point.

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    Steve McBrevity over 6 years ago

    Neville is this you, grubbier episode by episode? Take note of all those politicians hauled over the coals years after some indiscrete use of the keyboard. It takes spunk to write like this.

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Thanks very much Drew, I’m really enjoying writing this! Maybe I’m getting a vicarious pleasure out of a situation that’s about as far removed from my normal, but by no means dull life!🤪

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