nevillehunt avatar

Fedeltà #28


Neither twin liked the other's choice of 'life partner'. The falling in love thing, which naturally hit Tony first, was catalyst for a slight distancing between them. Not so much a wedge between them but someone else in the mix changing the dynamic. Shortly after Tony met Marcia, Terry discovered Livia.

Both women were pushy, attractive in a rather tarty, showy way and very, very determined. Each twin could see shortcomings in the other's choice, but was besotted with his own. Terry said little to Tony about Marcia, but Tony couldn't help trying to undermine Livia.

Neither wanted to share!

6 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    It's always women, isn't it? It's why we rise and why we fall. Really great stuff, Neville.

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Thank you Christopher. And thanks for following it so diligently. I really appreciate it. Women...? Oh yes...cherchez la femme! I am such a sucker for a pretty face. Fortunately I have number in my family.

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    Steve McBrevity over 6 years ago

    I’m keen to see where this is going. Tantalising, shades of the Krays.

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Thanks Steve. I need to distance it from the Krays, lest they get a bit annoyed. I’m Blind Beggared if I know where it’s going yet!

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    Steve McBrevity over 6 years ago

    Yes we don’t want the Krays involved - might have to move into a safe house!

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Talking of safe houses Steve, you should watch Witless on iPlayer (it's BBC3). Three 5 episode series - half hour each and the first two series are up on iPlayer for a couple more weeks, as is the final series. Brilliant melding of comedy and shocking thuggery. The casting is great too.

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