nevillehunt avatar


One of London's finest eateries is Simpson's in the Strand. Their excellent British fare is a carnivore's delight. Steeped in tradition, even Sherlock Holmes dined there. An institution and 'must' for an ambitious adman to take clients.

Ken was an important client from north east England, not versed in 'London ways'. For Simpson's had a dress code.

One very warm afternoon, when Ken sat down there to eat, he immediately took off his jacket, for comfort. NOT in Simpson's!

To avoid his embarrassment, I removed my jacket too... and personally took the waiter's flack... lost face but saved the business!

3 comments add one below

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    Jamie Clapperton over 6 years ago

    Well, a dress code is a dress code after all. :-)Might go in there this weekend and ask for a veggie burger and chips.

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    Christopher over 6 years ago

    I'll order food from my car through a plastic clown head with a speaker inside it before I let some tight-ass restaurant dictate my attire. (This sounds like a Dick Hedd rant!)

    Well done, Neville. That was some quick thinking!

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    Thanks all. My employers didn’t appreciate the sacrifice, Drew, except they realised what a great relationship I had developed with the senior client. With a rapid “Sorry, my mistake”, whilst on the face of it it was a social faux pas, actually it was me who was in control...and it gave us lots to talk and laugh about all lunch (and the food was still brilliant...and, I remembered I had to tip the carver, so my social standing and savoir faire was restored!🙂

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