nevillehunt avatar

Phone moans #1


"I want to choose my own food!" insisted the 92 year old. "I don't like him getting me the stuff he thinks I want!" She was on the phone complaining about her son to her daughter, who lived far away.

"Well he's away on holiday, so I'll order your groceries online from here."

"I will get my own groceries!"

"Fine, but how will you do that? You don't drive, can't walk and you won't pay for a taxi!"

"Someone will take me!"

"Who? You've alienated everyone!"

"Well you order for me then!"

"OK, what do you want?"

"I've no idea..."

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 7 years ago

    This is horribly true...almost verbatim, very frustrating and requiring enormous patience. The call about this topic was circular in nature and was over an hour long. I married a saint!

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    Neville Hunt almost 7 years ago

    Thanks, Drew. It would be funny if it weren't true! :-(

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