nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #358


Rufus had been ushered into a room with comfortable chairs and asked to wait while they found the appropriate person to speak to him. He’d plugged in to Mac2. If the machine could have registered emotion, it would be relief.

"We're going to like it in Moscow, Macski!”

’To start with, anyway!’ thought Rufus.

‘The girls are unbelievably beautiful. If I can find one called Anya Gladitsova, I’ll say YES!’

Mac2 was just a machine. It didn’t speak, didn’t hear and didn’t understand Rufus’s joke.

Just a machine... but it was a beauty too!

But beauty is only skin deep.

17 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    That's itski for this one! If you've read and enjoyed it, thank you, I am glad, but not gladitsova! If there are any aspects that did not work for you, or any inconsistencies, please let me know. Critical feedback is a valuable tool to help improve my writing. Thanks to all who have provided positive ego food along the way.

    ...and MacRufus might be back soon after a spot of research, but can't say more because MI6...........!

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Wow, thanks very much, Drew. I've loved writing it; it's been getting on Mrs H's nerves as I have been spending far to much time on it (needless to say she hasn't read it, huh!) You and Lisa are largely responsible for it going on so long as you seemed to like the characters. You saved Rufus, and Lisa saved Amy - she actually pleaded with me not to kill her! There seems to be scope for a sequel. Thanks again, you have inspired me.

  • avatar

    Lisa Williams almost 8 years ago

    I've really really enjoyed the story. Thank you for saving Amy & am not Gladitsova at all, will miss it. Hope you get on well with publishing. Do svidaniya X

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Thanks, Lisa, and thanks very much for reading and sticking with it. Glad you enjoyed it. I'm saditsova! :-(. I hope to restart the dynamic duo's escapades soon. Thanks to you, Amy was not only saved but did rather well, and Beth's lot wasn't bad either. Maybe he did have a heart...or more likely he liked beating the system, just for the craic...maybe.

  • avatar

    Christopher over 7 years ago

    First off, let me say I'm sorry it took so long to finish it. You were very diligent with both of my Jake Randolph stories and I apologize for my delay in finishing it...

  • avatar

    Christopher over 7 years ago

    This was a fascinating read, mixing in just about every story genre imaginable...horror, comedy, romance, espionage, erotica, science fiction, and it was all done seemingly effortlessly. You plowed forward, wonderfully dipping in and out of all of those genres (and more I didn't even get to)...

  • avatar

    Christopher over 7 years ago

    It's an inventive, original and thought-provoking story and it's going to be hard for the rest of us drabblers to live up to it. Congratulations on a monumental achievement in writing, drabble form or otherwise.

  • avatar

    Christopher over 7 years ago

    (Sorry for having to break that into three comments. It wouldn't let me post it all at once for some reason.)

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 7 years ago

    Wow, Christopher. Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was a blast to write and totally took me over at times. How many times did I ask myself "How the hell is Rufus going to get out of this?" after I had committed myself to a murder or other course of action. Writing 'on the fly' is quite scary, reputationally speaking, but unbelievablly exciting. Thanks very much for reading!

  • avatar

    Christopher over 7 years ago

    You're very welcome. And I know exactly how you feel. I had nothing more than an outline for both Randolph stories, and they both took on a life of their own and challenged me to resolve what I had already posted a day or two before. It really pushes your creativity to write that way.

  • avatar

    VerityAlways almost 3 years ago

    I thoroughly enjoyed this, Neville!
    Sorry I haven't been able to vote or comment on all. But this was rollercoaster certainly! Very gripping and as unexpected was the end. Maybe KGB in the future?!
    Thanks a ton, Neville.

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Well thank you so much Verity. No worries about votes or comments, I’m just so pleases that you liked it after that incredible investment of Drablr time. I felt very responsible. I was almost biting my nails. I said earlier that it had actually brought me to tears yesterday. It was the bit where Rufus (or whatever his name was at that particular time) visited the mother of his child, and the child and the subsequent revelation of the £800+K trust fund. My opinion of him changed at that point and that was what I had hoped for. My tears?... well, unlike him, I’m only human! Thanks again for reading and your terrific feedback!

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    A future in the KGB has certainly been in my mind, but I reckon he wouldn’t want to stay there long. He might make a stack of roubles and end up buying a top European football club (you’d call it soccer), like Man United or Arsenal (who my grandfather played for in the days of yore) or Barcelona perhaps. But first... I must finish Fedeltà....

  • avatar

    VerityAlways almost 3 years ago

    The pleasure is all mine, Neville. Few bits and turns were real game changers.
    Your grandpa and football, that's amazing!
    Will be awaiting Fedeltà!!

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Verity, I can’t tell you how much your reading of the story in two days flat it seems and your positive comments along the way mean to me. They’ve made my day, my week and my month and encouraged me both to get the thing printed/published on Kindle and to finish off Fedeltà before you end up waiting for the ending too! Thanks a lot!

  • avatar

    VerityAlways almost 3 years ago

    Please, Neville. My comments are just dust compared to your long time readers!!
    The story fits right into a crime & murder, psychological whatever amazon category offers. You're allowed to select only 2 categories while you enter KDP.

    As a young adult, all I can say is this story certainly has the essence to keep our age bracket captured.
    I'm pretty sure yours and Christopher's Jake series will be ruling the charts!!

  • avatar

    VerityAlways almost 3 years ago

    And I do love reading at once, so I don't have to recollect names!
    But this Rufus is non-negotiable so is Jake Randolph.

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