nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #355


Rufus took the Docklands Light Railway to Bank and then changed to the Central Line. Some lucky traveller found his bicycle helmet (as new, one careful owner). He stopped off at Tottenham Court Road to buy some supplies for his electronics activities as he might no longer have easy access to such things.

“You and I are going Bluetooth, Macca!” he exclaimed to nobody. And he treated himself to a Big Mac!

His shopping bag full, his pack on his back, he was off on the Central Line again. He exited at Notting Hill Gate.

Time to hand himself in.

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Thanks, Drew. Nearly there, literally and drabologically speaking! :-). Thanks very much for reading and encouraging with your comments. You give so much, to loads of drabblers.

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Well I thank you very much for that, Drew. However, without giving the game away, I think there will be plenty of scope to extend....or sequelise (ugh!). You be the judge tomorrow :-). It's all ready to go, but right now I'm feeling withdrawal symptoms already. You can't keep good baddies (oxymoron!) down!

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