nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #345


Amy had come to regard Rufus as an ally. True, he had done some diabolical things and would probably continue to do so. However, she knew his back story and had a smidgeon of sympathy for him. Importantly, he had provided the most fantastic and valuable material and help boost her career. He was definitely an ally.

When she heard she would have to deliver £5,000 in used banknotes to him when he resurfaced, it didn’t enter her mind to double-cross him and alert the police, to claim The Goss had caught him.

Rufus was banking on that.

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Thanks, Drew. I'm loving writing it! I seem to be putting off the inevitable withdrawal symptoms, but writing it is still a bit hand to mouth! Things have gone 'off-plan' many times. :-)

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