nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #324


“Hey, I recognise you. Aren’t you the lady from the papers? The one they gave a really rough ride?” Rufus asked.

Beth nodded sadly “I prefer to forget that, it’s in the past.”

“Well I’m so pleased it seems to have worked out OK, because I am telling you, he’s a lovely little fella and you’re a lucky mam too!” Rufus’s brogue was charming and for some reason Beth didn’t seem threatened. She wasn’t.

Rufus continued. “I’m sorry if you’re still hurting. I think you were badly treated and the lies said about your boyfriend was evil. They killed him!”

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    That sir, is a very pertinent question and one which will soon be answered. This morning I woke at 04.50 with the answer to that very same question I had been grappling with. I like to live on the edge! :-)

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