nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #310


Soon after the 14.40 from Paphos to London Gatwick had taken off, Mark switched off communication from his microchip. The spooks would have arrived shortly before, but by that time, Mark was on his way by taxi to Larnaca International Airport for his 23.20 flight. He had plenty of time, although, as a precaution, he didn't want to hang around the airport for too long.

His final piece of 'pisstake' for the spooks was to stop by the villa, and put his music on very loud on a loop.

Tony Antoniou arrived at Liverpool John Lennon Airport shortly before 02.40BST

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    The title is a pretty poor joke, but I couldn't resist it. Liverpool John Lennon Airport used to be called Speke Airport as it is located in Speke!

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