nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #303


The Nicosia taxi driver had a death wish. Driving like a maniac, he got Mark back to the villa in record time, well before midnight.

Mark returned with Tony's passport and some of his clothes, stuffed into a holdall he'd found in the flat. He'd stripped the trousers off Tony, but took a couple of shirts, a jacket and hat to provide some level of disguise.

He was disgusted when he'd seen that even in death, Tony had an erection. He hadn't realised that it was a natural reaction to strangulation.

'He's still up for it, dirty bugger!', he'd thought.

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    I hope it's right, Drew. I'm sure I read it somewhere when I was researching old Marcus's posthumous boner! I'll check again. (Hope you appreciated the plurality of the title.) :-)

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