nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #300


Most Cypriots don't have the plump pillows commonplace in the UK. A much harder, thinner pillow is the norm there.

'Not so good for smothering', thought Mark. 'This calls for Tony's belt!'

Mark had of course conveniently removed Tony's belt. Mark struggled to get the belt round Tony' neck and Tony, suddenly realising what was happening, pulled his hands out and started to fight back and scream out. Mark had no option than to smash Tony's face with the full force of his fist. It was messy. Tony died of course - strangulation.

"Rufus, you're losing it!" declared Mark to himself.

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Skin Deep is 300 drabbles long. Not far to go now. Glad I made it to 300 though. :-)

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Thanks, Drew. I fear I may have lost readers along the way as it might be too long for a drabblethon. It won't go on too much longer, therefore, although it could conceivably do so. Maybe a sequel... Hope to get some critical constructive feedback at the end so I can sharpen it up for possible publishing.

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Thanks again, Drew. I have LOVED writing it. Have had to tear myself away to write other drabbles lest I suffer withdrawal symptoms when I finish! (But you'll just have to start the sequel then, Nev!)

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