nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #263


The Goss had a field day. Claiming it ‘spoke for the nation’, its front page read:


Detective Chief Superintendant Twigg of the Met’s West End Central, who led the aborted enquiry into the recent nationwide murder spree has failed to build a case against chief suspect and electronics genius Rufus Johnson. Mr Johnson has been released secretly, most likely due to the residual suspicion and hate in the community. We tried to speak to DCS Twigg, but he was ‘unavailable for comment’.

The Goss says: Thank goodness ‘Twigg’ wasn’t attached to Special ‘Branch!’”

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Lisa Williams almost 8 years ago

    Ha! (Last line) x

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    Christopher over 7 years ago

    The Goss are even bigger punsters than you are, Neville!

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    Neville Hunt over 7 years ago

    I'm hoping they'll offer me a job!

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