nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #262


Rufus was secretly delivered into the custody of MI6. It was all done under cover of darkness. Dressed in a dark grey hoodie and jeans, he was smuggled out of the back of the station into a nondescript small saloon with tinted windows.

At MI6 he was led to a secure kind of bedsit and told to rest.

The next day, Commander Bayliss arrived at 08.30 and proceeded to set out a deal.

“It seems, Rufus, that you may have been a very, very naughty boy!... STOP! Don’t bother to deny it, let me continue...

...we rather like naughty boys!”

1 comment add one below

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    Lisa Williams almost 8 years ago

    Ha! I think we all do. God. I said that out loud X

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