nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #255


The solicitor did go home, but not before, in the interests of her 'client', she talked to Twigg.

"My client indicated earlier he'd been experiencing extreme headaches and, together with his apparent 'confusion' about some of your questioning, I think it would be in both his and your best interests to have him medically examined. It seems to me that he might be suffering from amnesia or something worse."

"I'll think about it" was Twigg's parting shot.

"Shit!" he announced to the PC, "the little bugger's trying for unfit to plead or diminished responsibility! Get a shrink down here fast!"

7 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    255 drabbles, that's 200 more than I'd originally planned. This story, like Mac2, has taken control of me. :-)

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    Lisa Williams almost 8 years ago

    Wonderful when a story grows like this & surprising where they come from at times X

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    I think it was the positive feedback that spurred me on. I didn't want to let people down, Drew for instance, as he seemed to be enjoying the characters and how they were developing. He is so positive with his comments to everyone; it's a real tonic!

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    Lisa Williams almost 8 years ago

    He is. Wonderful feeling that someone is enjoying your words X

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    Christopher over 7 years ago

    I've just gotten back to the story. I have a bad cold that's probably going to lay me up for a couple of days, so hopefully I can finish it soon. It's been a fascinating run so far. Very creative and inventive.

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    Neville Hunt over 7 years ago

    Thanks,Christopher....hope you'll feel better soon.

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    Christopher over 7 years ago

    Thank you, my friend.

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