nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #241


On the way to the interview room at West End Central, Twigg was concerned about the confession he was surely now going to extract. Was Rufus trying to outsmart him again by screaming, or was it genuine? Was Rufus utterly mad? Or was he trying to nobble Twigg with inadmissible evidence or get declared unfit to plead?

Twigg wanted a straightforward premeditated murder verdict - the kind that would have seen Rufus hanged in the good old days.

Whilst strictly against police procedures, when they reached the room, such was the noise Rufus was making that Twigg handed him Mac2, temporarily.

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Thanks very much, Drew. There a bit more to come, but my wife (who hasn't read any of it!) says people will stop reading if I go on too long...and new ones won't start reading with a mountain to climb, figuratively speaking. It was originally planned to be only 55 drabbles. Mrs H can read it when/if I get it into print - from what I've said about it she's horrified that I should be writing gruesome stuff because my usual stuff is light and fluffy! - she's not an avid reader of that either! Nuff said :-)

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    Christopher almost 8 years ago

    The fact that we don't normally digest this kind of fare from you makes it all the more fascinating.

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    It's my dark side, Christopher!

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