nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #223


Mac2 hadn't worked out that Rufus's new misogyny might have the opposite effect than planned. With a penchant for men, Rufus might now be more inclined to be understanding and merciful to men, who, in the great scheme of things, might present more of a physical threat than women. It simply wouldn't do for Rufus to be attracted to any man.

But Mac2 was only a machine, a highly intelligent one, but not programmed in the emotional complexities of humankind.

Rufus thought back to Tony's naked body, complete with his terminal erection, and sighed.

Was that a sigh of regret?

4 comments add one below

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    Lisa Williams almost 8 years ago

    I've given up trying to second guess this! X

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Women hating

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    Lisa Williams almost 8 years ago

    Sorry yes meant is there typo? X

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    You're right. Thanks. I obviously had y-strain!

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