nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #205


Twigg got angry, while Amy held her ground.

"You realise this guy's probably a murderer and a serial one at that!", he spat at her. "I'm sure you know something! You're protecting a monster!"

"I'm protecting my sources, Inspector!" Amy coolly replied, knowing he would be seriously pissed off to be called 'inspector'.

He was.

"If that's all you need to speak to me about," continued Amy, "then I must go, as I have stories to research and write and other sources to interview."

Amy might be young, cute and feminine, but she was a match for him.

Twigg snapped.

4 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    You know you're a saddo when you get almost more fun out of writing the titles than the drabbles themselves! When I finally publish this as a whole story I intend to keep the titles in if that doesn't sound stupid :-)

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    Christopher almost 8 years ago

    Twigg snapped! That's hilarious. The titles are great too!

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Thanks, Christopher. I see you're playing catch up!

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    Christopher almost 8 years ago

    Absolutely. And it's taking me all weekend because I got so behind. I'm still not caught up yet.

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