nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #183


It was remarkably easy for Rufus to enter the room where Phil was lying in a coma. He rolled his trolley past the PC into the room and started to mop the floor. The PC took no notice, neither did the nurse, who was checking the monitor. She popped out after a while and Rufus immediately took his chance, jamming the trolley hard against the door.

It took him little more than a minute to smother Phil with a pillow. No noise.

Rufus then took the trolley handle and, with his head down, pushed the door open and trundled off.

5 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Thanks, Aspen, I'm having fun writing it! :-)

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    VerityAlways almost 3 years ago

    Curiosity killed both the Cats!

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago

    Hehe! You guessed right!

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    VerityAlways almost 3 years ago

    Neville, slow down i'm with 3 dozen notifications and not enough caffeine to reply.

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    Neville Hunt almost 3 years ago


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