nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #178


The police arrived at Cat's house very soon. Pushing aside the neighbours, they tried to restrain Cat from scratching herself, but she was in another place altogether.

The ambulance arrived 10 minutes later and then the paramedics took over. They immediately sedated her with an injection. They were getting her ready to take to hospital, realising that she probably wouldn't survive given the state of her when a policeman called from the bedroom.

The PC had gone into Cat's bedroom and found Phil. He'd found Mac too and surreptitiously pocketed it. Naughty!

Boy, was he in for a surprise later!

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Thanks, Drew. Sorry for the wait, I've been on a course and had loads of other work in a 'perfect storm' over the past couple of weeks. I survived it, although I now have coursework to do to strict deadlines. Oh dear...I much prefer writing! But it was just as well because I needed time to plan the direction Mac would go. Wherever he wanted was the answer.... :-)

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