nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #117


When the university term started, Rufus decided it was important to attend 'Freshers Week', when new students met likeminded others. He needed to seem like a regular student. He met a few guys he could get on with in the Student Union bar. They all liked a drink or two. However, despite sinking large quantities of beer, he kept his secrets secret. Nonetheless he seemed like an ordinary student.

It was quickly clear to his tutors that he wasn’t an ordinary student. He appeared exceptionally bright and remarkably knowledgeable about the subject for a Fresher.

Good cover for a murderer!

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    S J Gunn about 8 years ago

    Loving the series Neville. Have you ever seen 'Dexter' ? (American series) I think you'd like it - trust me! (Mwahaha!) x

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