nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #114


Having milked the Marcus story for ages, the funeral coverage featured a huge front page photo of Marcus's coffin being lowered into a grave. Inset - a much smaller photo of a very much smaller grave.

The headline declared 'Finally laid to rest' and next to the inset photo it said 'For the rest!', suggesting it was for his penis, if ever found.

The next day’s photo was a close-up of the tiny empty 'grave', juxtaposed with a mock up of a personal ad, reading:

'WANTED : large erect penis to fill empty hole.'

That day’s circulation hit the roof!

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Thanks, Drew; it's such fun writing...and so out of my natural genre. I'm learning. :-)
    PS I note that your smiley face and mine differ slightly. That's because I'm always sticking my nose in!

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