nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #78


When the girl and Rufus got to her flat, both expected raunchy sex. Stripping off, the two of them bundled onto her bed and started the preliminaries. For this interlude, Rufus temporarily disconnected himself from the machine. Instinctively he felt he needed no help in the sex department.

However, in the penis department, there appeared to be strike action! Whatever he did, however hard he tried, hard was not what he got!

The woman was really quite understanding, but unintentionally she managed to patronise him, make him feel as small as he remained.

No-one ever patronised Rufus without consequences.

5 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 8 years ago

    Ahh, well it makes a little more sense now!

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    The story hops around a bit at this stage to keep the readers on their toes! :-)

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    The story hops around a bit at this stage to keep the readers on their toes! :-)

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    Christopher almost 8 years ago

    Well, I meant I understand now why he killed her (it's never good to patronize a man about his manhood!). It wasn't a negative comment about the story at large. I just should've reserved my comments until I'd read all the ones you posted!

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    No worries, Christopher, I hadn't taken it as a negative comment, and wasn't remotely offended (even if I did double-post it!). Thanks for your comments, which are always appreciated! :-)

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