nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #53


The local newspaper got the scoop which was quickly taken up by the nationals. There was much speculation about what had happened. Different possible angles emerged surrounding the skinless dead man, the folds of skin in the shower tray, the bondage straps, the blood, the absence of anyone else. Murder? Suicide?... surely not!

Some journalists suggested that it might have been some strange, sordid S&M sex ritual gone wrong, but one of the leading national tabloids topped them all, sourcing a picture of Marcus’s shower, the skin and body, complete with impressive erection, and penned the headline:


3 comments add one below

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    Lisa Williams almost 8 years ago

    HA! Fab X

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    Neville Hunt almost 8 years ago

    Thanks Drew and Lisa!

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    Christopher almost 8 years ago

    Hilarious. Nice juxtaposition to the horror and seriousness of the story.

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