nevillehunt avatar

Skin Deep #22


Rufus was manic. He wasn't succumbing without a fight.... exactly what Marcus needed, a virile young body and mind who was active, adrenalin-fuelled and fighting for survival. Marcus flipped a switch, dropped back into the easy chair, closed his eyes and covered his ears, partly to keep out the racket the boy was making and partly to ensure that his own electrodes were making firm contact with his head.

Rufus was now cursing and blinding for all he was worth. This carried on for about 20 minutes, when all of a sudden the fight in him started to wane.

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    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    That Marcus, he's such a mean s-o-a-b. Who says they get better with age? Prime well past, they can turn really acid and stinky..and btw, I don't mean wines!

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